Call for papers

The EARLI Special Interest Group 2 “Text and graphics comprehension" invites you to participate in the Special Interest Meeting in Tübingen, Germany.

The focus topic of the Special Interest Meeting 2010 will be  
    Tracing the mind: How do we learn from text and graphics?

Typical questions include the following, although papers are not limited to these topics.

  • How do conceptual and perceptual factors interact in learning with different representations?
  • How does learning differ with presented or constructed representations?
  • What are the costs and benefits of learning with interactive or dynamic representations?
  • What are the conditions under which learning is enhanced by combining textual and graphical representations?
  • How important are learners’ goals, strategies and self-regulatory behaviour when learning with representations?
  • How are the learners’ representations improved when they integrate information from multiple documents?
  • What are the affective and motivational impacts of alternative forms of representation?
  • How do tasks and context influence learning with representations?
  • How can individual differences be taken into account when learning with different representations?
  • Which abilities and skills are important to effectively learn from text and graphics and how can we train and teach those aspects?
  • How are novel technologies changing the educational purposes of traditional forms of representation?
  • How is the process of collaboration influenced by what learners look at?
  • What sort of instructional interventions promote the construction of appropriate representations in educational settings?
  • What can various tracing techniques like eye tracking, verbal protocols, self-explanations, drawings etc. tell us about the process of learning with text and graphics?
  • How can we meaningfully classify information objects in multimodal representations for learning?

New Deadline for submission is April 7, 2010.