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Students' Social Networking with Facebook© and beyond

Knowledge Construction Lab

ScienceCampus, Cluster: An Infrastructure for the Analysis of Social Networks




ScienceCampus Tuebingen


This sub-project investigates the effect of social network development (on Facebook© and beyond) on academic performance and identification with subject started to study. In contrast to former studies, we apply a longitudinal design including subjective measures as well as behavioural data of the Facebook© use. Freshmen at a German university have been provided with a Facebook© application that gives orientation at the university and supports getting into contact with other students. The users of that application will be invited to take part in a longitudinal survey over the course of the first semester.


  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Business Informatics
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena Graduate School Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change